ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018: Understanding the Basics

The Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) is a South African statutory body that deals with labour disputes and collective bargaining in the education sector. The ELRC is responsible for negotiating and implementing collective agreements between employers and employees in the public education sector. One of the most recent collective agreements is ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018.

In this article, we will discuss the basics of ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018, what it means for the education sector, and how it affects teachers and other education workers.

What is ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018?

ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018 is a collective bargaining agreement that was reached between the government and education unions in South Africa. The agreement covers a wide range of issues affecting the education sector, including salaries, working conditions, and benefits for teachers and other education workers.

The agreement was signed on 8 June 2018 by the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC), the Department of Basic Education, and education unions. It took effect on 1 July 2018 and will remain in force until 30 June 2021.

What Does ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018 Cover?

ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018 covers a range of issues affecting the education sector, including salaries, working conditions, and benefits. Some of the key provisions of the agreement include:

1. Salary increases: Education workers will receive salary increases of between 7% and 10%, depending on their level of employment, as part of a three-year wage agreement.

2. Housing allowances: Education workers will receive increased housing allowances, ranging from R1,200 to R1,800 per month, depending on their job level.

3. Annual leave: Education workers will be entitled to 30 days of annual leave per year, in line with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.

4. Medical aid: Education workers will receive improved medical aid benefits, including higher contributions from employers and increased coverage for chronic conditions and emergencies.

5. Maternity leave: Female education workers will be entitled to four months of paid maternity leave, up from three months under previous agreements.

How Does ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018 Affect Teachers and Other Education Workers?

ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018 will have a direct impact on the salaries and working conditions of teachers and other education workers in South Africa. The salary increases and other benefits provided for in the agreement will improve the financial security of education workers and their families.

The improved benefits, such as increased housing allowances and medical aid coverage, will also make it easier for education workers to access affordable housing and healthcare. This, in turn, will improve their quality of life and contribute to their overall well-being.


ELRC Collective Agreement 4 of 2018 is an important collective bargaining agreement that addresses a range of issues affecting the education sector. The agreement provides important benefits and improvements to the working conditions of teachers and other education workers in South Africa. It is an important step towards ensuring that education workers are fairly compensated and have access to the resources and support they need to provide high-quality education to South African children.